Get Commentluv on Blogger / Blogspot


This post is for google bloggers (blogspot) who would like to get commentluv for their blogs. If you want a change from google's default commenting system, this might be for you. If your not sure what commentluv looks like, just click the comments here.

The video at the end of this post is excellent for learning all the steps on how to do it, also there is a detailed explanation on the commentluv site, with this same video by Andy Bailey telling you everything you need to know.

In this post I will add the things I needed to learn along the way...

First and most importantly practice getting commentluv on a practice blogspot blog, there are a lot of steps and I found out for myself that I did need some getting used to everything.

Learn how to remove commentluv from your blogspot if your not happy with it and would like to return to your old blogger commenting system, with all your comments intact. It's very simple...go to layout...Edit HTML...then scroll down to "Revert widget templates to default". Thats all there is to it, but remember you probably will loose some formatting, but the main thing is your comments should all be back on your blog under the old google commenting format.

You will be getting commentluv installed by using 2 sites to do it and Sounds complicated, but its not after a bit of practice, just follow all the steps very carefully. I actually played the video and followed along by pressing pause and play.

I did have some questions and I got excellent support from Andy Bailey at commentluv right away, so if you have any troubles you will get help very quickly.

Install CommentLuv to Blogger using JS-kit comments from Andy Bailey on Vimeo.

If you understand all the steps in this video, you should have no problems getting commentluv on your blogger blog. Remember though, you should practice everything out on a practice blogspot so you will know exactly what your doing before you add it to the blog you don't want to mistakes on.

Once your done with everything, do NOT log out. You need a js-kit profile so you will be able to log in and out. There are a few methods of doing it and the one below is one of the ways of doing it without having to use open id etc.

Go to and make a comment on it, yes anywhere on their site. When you see a reply to comment make sure to leave a comment as a New Js-Kit profile...this is where you will create your Login and Password. Once you have created it then you can log in and out of Js-Kit.

So how can you now log in and out of js-kit now? Go to your own site that you just set up. Click on any of the comments on your own site and leave a comment as an Existing Js-Kit profile and log in. You do not need to leave a comment, you're just logging in to js-kit from your very own site.

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